Tuesday, 6 May 2014

My checklist for moving abroad

I think I put less thought into moving to Australia than I did choosing my phone plan (which I got completely mugged off on by the way). Now i'm sat here with 33 days left and i've decided to start this blog for everyone else who is looking to move to sunnier climates and to keep those I love updated on my edible Australian adventures.

The first task in moving abroad is listing all of the people you need to contact to tell them you're moving, I don't mean your family & friends. I mean the bank, your student loan company, Netflix etc. Here's the people i've had to contact. (Sometimes its hard finding the cancel your subscription button so i've provided direct links where possible)

The LONG admin heavy list of people to contact before you leave.

Spotify - Cancel your subscription here

Netflix - I'm keeping my subscription as they have Netflix in Aus. If you want to cancel yours the link is here.

Sky phone/broadband - 14 days before you leave - Cancel your contract here (There is a charge if you haven't finished your contract)

Student Loan - Sadly - the law has changed and once you move abroad you still have to pay back your student loan. The first step is to fill out an Overseas Income Assesment form.

HMRC - This is an easy one to forget, if you're leaving the UK and no longer paying UK tax - you need to let these lovely lovely people know that you're leaving. Here is the page on their site and this is the P85 form page.

If you are letting out your property from overseas you will need to join the non-resident Landlord (NRL) scheme. Links and more information can be found here.

Opticians - I get my contact lenses from Boots. It's another easy thing to forget - if you're like me and use boots here is the link you need, I called them on 0845 603 2020 and it took about 2 minutes to cancel, it takes 28 days to close your account.

TV License - If you have paid for your TV license for the year they will refund you if you're moving abroad. You can fill in a form online and the money will be sent straight back into your bank account.

Car Insurance - Your policy might be different but Hastings (My provider) needed 4 weeks notice. There is also a charge of £55 to cancel so depending on how long is left on your policy it might be better to just let run its course.

Income protection/Life insurance - This was another easy and quick process, I was with LV and called 0800 028 6333 to cancel my policy. It ended that day and there were no fees!

Your Council - If you pay council tax you will need to let your local council know you're leaving. If you own a property and will be letting out your flat you need to let them know the name of the new tenants and the contact details of the agents if you are using them to manage your property.

The Dogs Trust - Sooo I can't bring myself to cancel this direct debit but I wanted to throw this in the list because donations to charity can easily be forgotten.

The bank - If you are closing your account you will need to contact your bank. I would consider this thoroughly before doing so as companies like the Student Loan company require you to pay back your loan through an english bank account.

Energy/Water supplier - This doesn't need to be actioned until you move out of your property. Make sure you get your meter readings before you leave.

Phone contract - These guys are usually pricks. There will be fees involved and it's best to call them and see what the best plan of action is. You might want to keep your number for your online banking and if you are keeping an english bank account open. Food for thought.

Doctors/Dentists - I don't think you really appreciate the NHS until its gone and you have to start paying for everything. In australia you have to pay for an ambulance, it seems quite brutal to me. If you are planning to move away forever you should get your medical history from your doctors/dentists. If you are planning on coming home after a few years there might not be much point

Travelcard - If you have an Oyster season ticket you can refund what is left of your balance by contacting TFL. You can find all the details on this page.

Postal redirect - Setting up a postal re-direct depends on your situation. I'm getting my post sent to my family home. The cost of getting post sent to Australia is just too high for me!

This delightfully long list is relevant to me, there might be other companies you need to contact depending our your situation. I've created a lovely checklist on the above to help your planning go as smoothly as possible.  Open the checklist here.

Today has been a long boring day actioning all of the above, but on the plus side, it means i'm one step closer to waking up in Bondi!

Every cloud.


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